I know i'm noy active here often but i want to try and help out this community every now and then
For now, here's my contribution
I know i'm noy active here often but i want to try and help out this community every now and then
For now, here's my contribution
Sometime in Mid-November, my favorite Youtube Channel, @GameTrack Remix, will be uploading a Remix of "High Roller Blowout" from our favorite game, Tornado Outbreak; this makes me proud, because they have done an absolutely STUNNING job with their Videos; their newest one being this:
(Sorry if this is not relating to T.O., but it's still good)
Yeah, they have done an INCREDIBLE job with this, and if this is what can be birthed from a theme from Crash On The Run; then you can understand how well High Roller Blowout will turn out with their awesome team!
Congrats GameTrack Remix, for your amazing work, and Zephyr will be proud...
I hope you guys like it!
Looks like someone's pumped to celebrate his 12th Birthday...
(btw, how do you guys like my design for the Water Whirl? tell me if you like it, love it, it's okay, you hate it, or whatever, below!)
That's right; on September 9th, 2021, this day marks the 12th Anniversary of Tornado Outbreak!
I'm making art to celebrate this...
First one, obviously Zephyr, followed by Nimbus, and maybe Cyclone/Stratos/any other character i choose from this to do.
ME, with a image I brought with Me, which is of the Elemental you know and love:
Sighs Zephyr, you might as well earn the diamond medal in my favorite characters, with Crash Bandicoot and Dingodile not far behind...
(Note: On the podiums for my favorite characters, Zephyr gains Diamond, Crash Bandicoot gets gold, and Dingodile has Silver)
((Btw, I hope that I could find the image shown in this, but without those waves on it, because I took this picture using my tablet, while I was playing Tornado Outbreak, so if you could help me on that, it would make my day (or night, depending on what time my clock is at here) @Zephyr321, did you almost forget about Me? Just wondering, that's all!))
This. is. Smol Bean Zephyr:
He cute
This masterpiece made by ProfMathtastic on CCC:
AKA, when Undertale and Tornado Outbreak take place in the same universe somehow...
The Cuter Zephyr:
Change my mind
Zephyr in a nutshell:
He protecc,
He attacc,
But most importantly,
He want Nimbus bacc.