Tornado Outbreak Wiki

This page contains a list of controls that Tornado Outbreak uses.

Nintendo Wii[]

  • Note: The Wii Remote and Nunchuk is required to play Tornado Outbreak. Gameplay is primarily played using a traditional control scheme, with all of the actions being mapped to the Wii Remote and Nunchuk as opposed to motion controls.
Controls (Wii)
Button Function(s) Notes
Control Stick Move up, down, left, and right
Z-button Dash Unlocked after completing Camelot Falls!
A-Button Stone Stomp Unlocked after completing Carnival Chaos!
B-button Shield/Absorb Fire Flyers Unlocked after completing Chicken Con Carnage!
Plus button Pause/join multiplayer session Multiplayer requires the player to complete both Roadside Destruction! and Chicken Con Carnage! before playing mulltiplayer.
Control pad Left Rotates the Camera to the left
Control pad Right Rotates the Camera to the right

Xbox 360[]

Controls (Xbox 360)
Button Function(s) Notes
Left Stick Move up, down, left, and right
B-button Dash Unlocked after completing Camelot Falls!
A-button Stone Stomp Unlocked after completing Carnival Chaos!
Right Trigger Shield/Absorb Fire Flyers Unlocked after completing Chicken Con Carnage!
Left Trigger Disables the Right Trigger
Left Bumper Pans towards in-game objective
Start Button Pause/join multiplayer session Multiplayer requires the player to complete both Roadside Destruction! and Chicken Con Carnage! before playing mulltiplayer.
Right Stick Rotates the Camera left and right

PlayStation 3[]

Controls (PlayStation 3)
Button Function(s) Notes
Left analog stick Move up, down, left, and right
Circle button Dash Unlocked after completing Camelot Falls!
X-button Stone Stomp Unlocked after completing Carnival Chaos!
R1 button Shield/Absorb Fire Flyers Unlocked after completing Chicken Con Carnage!
Start button Pause/join multiplayer session Multiplayer requires the player to complete both Roadside Destruction! and Chicken Con Carnage! before playing mulltiplayer.
Right analog stick Rotates the Camera left and right