Tornado Outbreak Wiki
The following content mentioned in the article is based on a removed or altered feature in Tornado Outbreak.

Side Missions, referred to as Side Mission Mode In-game was a scrapped feature of specific types of missions that were planned during the early stages of the game's development. They were first introduced in Tornado Alley, a prototype of Tornado Outbreak.

These missions would've revolve around Zephyr and the Wind Warrior completing various level specific objectives ranging from collecting certain objects to destroying specific type of buildings and vehicles.


Side Missions were first announced to the public by none other than Dev Madan himself in a June 4, 2009 interview with Scott Steinberg. In this mode, players would be given various tasks ranging from collecting certain objects to targeting and destroying different buildings and vehicles. Some of the side missions that were originally planned for the game were later reworked to include references to the Wind Warriors, Fire Flyers, and the Totems, which were introduced in the final version of the game. However, the majority of the side missions were left untouched as they focused on controlling the tornado to complete destructive objectives.

In a press statement by Konami Digital Entertainment, the side mission mode was described as "humor filled objectives ranging from causing blustery mischief at a local trailer park to gale force feats in the middle of sprawling cityscapes".

Levels that have Side Missions[]

  • Training Campground-(Saving the grab move)
  • Double Wide Damage!-(Gather up the clothespins), (Silence the barking dogs), (Topple the Water Tower) (Guiding your tornado within Cloud Cover)
  • Military Mayhem!-(Pants the soldiers), (Scavenge the area for toolboxes) (Keep an eye out for Air Raid Sirens), (Escape your holding cell)
  • High Roller Blowout- (Destroy the armored car) (BATTER-RAM!) (Collect all Pink Flamingos) (Collect all Golf Goodies), (Destroy 4 Casinos), (Smash up the Wedding Chapels)
  • Carnival Chaos!- (Destroy the go-carts), (Demolish the attractions), (Relax with the "inner toobin" dudes), (Ravage the Roller Coaster)
  • Ringling Village- (Taking a tour to Wellstown), (Escape the hedges and nick some horses), (Play soccer with the Soccer Players), (Topple the Stonehenge), (Steal the statue), (Disband the Parliament)
  • Camelot Falls!- (Taking a tour to the Faire), (Toss the tents), (Smash some sheds), (Storm the castle!)
  • Coastal Calamity!- (Alert the peaceful village's Rice Farmers), (Bring on the storm), (Overturn the boats!), (Destroy all cherry blossom trees), (Flatten the Japanese-themed Hotels)
  • Showdown with Omegaton!- (Terrorize Tokyo!), (Bust up some buses), (Obliterate the stations), (Decimate the heart of the city)

Text IDs[]

Below are the following text id's for the game's cut side missions.

1562 - levelhint_area51_area1
1563 - levelhint_area51_area2
1564 - levelhint_area51_area3
1565 - levelhint_merge (no longer used)
1566 - levelhint_shadowhint
1567 - levelhint_split
1568 - levelhint_area51_boss
1569 - levelhint_area51_boss2
1570 - levelhint_strip_area1
1571 - levelhint_strip_area2
1572 - levelhint_strip_area3
1573 - levelhint_strip_elvii_start (no longer used)
1574 - levelhint_strip_elvii_fail
1575 - levelhint_strip_cars_start
1576 - levelhint_strip_cars_fail
1577 - levelhint_strip_area4
1578 - levelhint_renfaire_area1
1579 - levelhint_renfaire_area2
1580 - levelhint_renfaire_area3
1581 - levelhint_renfaire_area4
1582 - levelhint_renfaire_boss
1583 - levelhint_tokyo_area1
1584 - levelhint_tokyo_area2
1585 - levelhint_tokyo_area3
1586 - levelhint_tokyo_area4
1587 - levelhint_tokyo_boss
1588 - levelhint_wellstown_area1
1589 - levelhint_wellstown_area2
1590 - levelhint_wellstown_area3
1591 - levelhint_wellstown_area4
1592 - levelhint_wellstown_boss
1593 - levelhint_trailerpark_area1
1594 - levelhint_trailerpark_area2
1595 - levelhint_trailerpark_boss
1596 - levelhint_amusement_area1
1597 - levelhint_amusement_area2
1598 - levelhint_amusement_area3
1599 - levelhint_amusement_boss
1600 - levelhint_fishingvillage_area1
1601 - levelhint_fishingvillage_area2
1602 - levelhint_fishingvillage_area3
1603 - levelhint_fishingvillage_boss
1604 - levelhint_useportal_firesprites

2008 Side Missions[]

Side missions that have little to no text IDs in the final game.

Elvii Side Mission[]

The Elvii Side Mission was a proposed side mission for the level High Roller Blowout. The premise revolved around Zephyr collecting various Elvis impersonators before they can escape to the chapel downtown the streets of Vegas. Although the Elvis Impersonator made it into the final game, a majority of voice lines ranging from hitting the ground, laughing, and taunting were cut entirely.


Merging was a proposed side mission for the level Chicken Con Carnage. The mission would've revolved around growing the tornado into a F5 tornado to take out a massive chicken farm. Although the chicken farm does get destroyed in the final game, Zephyr does not grow the tornado to destroy the farm. Instead, the farm gets destroyed as Zephyr scavenge the area for Fire Flyers along with the destruction of the Totem.